TubeFlow PIC for Coiled Tubing
Models forward and reverse circulation with effects of choke pressure loss
Torque and Drag
Evaluates forces and stresses on the coiled tubing during well intervention
Pipe Fatigue
Calculates coiled tubing fatigue life and predicts diameter growth during a job

Coiled Tubing Software Suite
The software suite for coiled tubing in TubeFlow PIC is used to design various coiled tubing operations. Applications that are included in the coiled tubing software suite are listed below:
- models forward and reverse circulation with effects of choke pressure loss
- includes effects of coiled tubing on reel for various fluid types
- supports a wide variety of commonly used fluids in coiled tubing operations - single and multiphase fluids
- includes effects of heat transfer to/from the formation

Torque and Drag
- evaluates forces and stresses on the coiled tubing during well intervention
- determines buckling status of the coiled tubing in the well and identifies lock-up depth
- estimates maximum set down weight and overpull while run-in-hole (RIH) or pull-out-of-hole (POOH)
- models extended reach by determining minimum tractor pull requirements

Pipe Fatigue
- calculates coiled tubing fatigue life and predicts diameter growth during a job
- estimates number of trips to failure accounting for the effects of internal pressure, reel diameter, and material properties of the coiled tubing
- performs fatigue life tracking along the length of the coiled tubing depending upon job data for any particular application
- maintains a history of the used life of the coiled tubing to aid in pre-job planning and ensures a safe operation

Wellbore Cleanout
- models coiled tubing cleanouts to remove debris, drilled cuttings and proppant from the wellbore
- aids in fluid selection and design of wash fluids
- supports brines, gels, nitrified water, and foams

Gravel Pack
- simulates thru-tubing remedial gravel pack operations
- models circulating gravel packs to repair existing screen damage in vertical and deviated wells
- estimates proppant and slurry volume requirements

Fluid Displacement
- models pumping fluids in a sequence through the coiled tubing and displaces existing fluids in the wellbore
- simulates both forward and reverse circulation, direct and indirect displacements
- allows configuration of a variety of chemical spacers, completion brines, and viscous pills
- determines pumping requirements, cumulative fluid volumes, and displacement time

- simulates coiled tubing acidizing treatments
- sandstone and carbonate rocks
- estimates acid penetration depth in reservoir
- determines effectiveness of acidizing treatment

- models coiled tubing drilling operations - underbalanced and managed pressure drilling
- determines the minimum annular flow rate to transport the drilled cuttings to surface
- supports production from reservoir while drilling and also estimates formation fluid leakoff
- models air, foam, mist, and natural gas drilling

Production System Analysis
- designs coiled tubing velocity strings to prevent liquid loading in wells
- determines inflow/outflow well performance using appropriate reservoir and multiphase flow models
- aids in selection of appropriate tubing size

Well Unloading
- finds an optimum depth at which coiled tubing must be placed for an effective well unloading operation
- determines the minimum pump flow rate of N2 to unload the well
- estimates the pressures in the well utilizing appropriate multiphase flow models during the unload process

- performs a comprehensive engineering analysis to accurately assess pre-job design
- reduces job design time and cost
- ensures pressure limits during a job are within safety standards
- optimizes a pump schedule for a coiled tubing job
A full featured evaluation version is available for 15 days. Please contact us for more information.
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